LOS TRES SARGENTOS (The Three Sergeants)

Animated TV Miniseries, INCAA prize winner.
Based on the memoirs of General Lamadrid and inspired by the work The Three Musketeers by Alejandro Dumas. The Three Sergeants tells the story of Sacristán, a young man who travels to the Northern Army barracks to enlist in the special regiment of “Los Dragones de la Patria”. Along the way he meets three soldiers, with whom he will live a series of adventures that will take us to the War of Argentinian Independence, to witness the battles and historical events carried out by the heroes of the Northern Army.

DIRECTION: alfio d’antona, claudio rosa
PRODUCTION: ALfiostudio, bonaparte cine
SCRIPT: santiago sein
draw: diego n. gomez
InkS: carolina fuentes, VANINA CARDONE
COLOR: LUCIANA VAGGIONE, agustina rodriguez
music & sound production: multimedia