TV Animated Series of 10 Episodes (4+ Hours)
The Cloaked Realm is an adaptation and reimagining of the greatest but now forgotten science fiction short stories. Spanning in time over 200 years, this animated series explores the visionary work of authors whose groundbreaking ideas were decades ahead of their time.
To date, The Cloaked Realm has played over 100 festivals, garnering 100+ festival awards with recognition including “Best Animation,” “Best Pilot,” “Best Director,” “Best Series,” “Best Sci-Fi,” “Best Original Score,” “Best Sound Design,” and “Audience Choice Award.”
Produced By: Interstellar Alchemists & Alfiostudio
Directed by: Peter Issac Alexander and MArisa Cohen
Animation Director: Alfio D’Antona
Art Director: Diego Gomez
Animators: Diego Gomez, Mario Cardoso, Carolina Fuentes, Sofia Borbolla.
Color: Luciano Juncos
realization: Alfiostudio